
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Our primary goal was to enhance Edoro’s online store conversions, specifically aiming to double the conversion rate through strategic optimizations.

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The challenge

Increasing the sales without increasing the ad spend

The project’s straightforward nature presented a unique challenge: optimizing an already well-functioning website without specific pain points.

This required a nuanced approach to identify and implement incremental improvements that could significantly impact conversion rates.

Website portfolio mokcu Edoro - Case study

Solutions Implemented

Strategic Improvements focusing on the Big Picture

To achieve the ambitious conversion goals, a multi-faceted strategy was employed, focusing on enhancing user experience (UX), refining user interface (UI) elements, and optimizing the checkout process.

A/B testing was extensively used to identify high-impact changes, such as simplifying navigation, optimizing product pages for clarity and speed, and streamlining the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates.

Advanced analytics and heatmaps provided insights into user behaviour, guiding the optimization efforts.

edoro ecom store view Edoro - Case study

The challenge

Highlights of our reached Goals

Edoro mobile view Edoro - Case study

3. March 2024

From the beginning, their communication was different – it was like talking to a friend who really understood. Grew Studio helped us double our sales without increasing our advertising budget. They improved our website and checkout process, which brought great results.
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Ivan D.
Owner of Edoro.sk
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Edoro is a company with over 15 years of experience in the field of gas appliances, offering high-quality products due to their deep understanding and expertise.

They maintain strong partnerships with importers to Slovakia, ensuring a stock availability of over 96%, allowing for quick and efficient responses to customer needs.

Their commitment extends beyond sales, offering pre-sale, sale, warranty, and post-warranty services to ensure customer satisfaction. Communication and providing real value are at the core of their business philosophy.

Visit Edoro

Future Steps

Ongoing collaboration

Building on the success of the CRO initiative, the focus will now shift to SEO enhancements. This next phase aims to further increase organic traffic and sustain the improved conversion rate through continuous optimization and content strategy adjustments.

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